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How to Repurpose Your Wax Sugar Jars

How to Repurpose Your Wax Sugar Jars

Fresh, glowing skin and an eco-friendly beauty routine? Please, count us in! A major lifestyle trend this season is a return to zero-waste products – and a renewed focus on keeping our planet plastic-free.  

Cosmetic jars, canisters, tubs – most containers we use in our everyday lives end up incinerated or in a landfill – a process that makes us feel less than pretty or responsible. The best way to avoid this wasteful wishcycle process (hoping the products we recycle end up being recycled) is to reuse your old product packaging.  

Take sustainable beauty into your hands and repurpose! Parissa Sugar Wax is perfect for upcycling beauty containers. Each jar that houses our favorite gentle wax can be transformed into a stylish yet functional home accessory!  

How do I reuse a Sugar Wax Jar?     

Gentle and perfect for all-over use, Sugar Wax can be used for face, body and bikini. Skincare benefits aside, Parissa Sugar Wax is our only wax that is completely washable with soap and water! So how do you get started with prepping a Sugar Wax jar? Keep in mind Parissa Sugar Wax comes in two sizes! There are only a few steps before you can repurpose your jar: 

Parissa Sugar Wax Jar Sizes 

  • 240ml (8 fl oz) 
  • 140ml (5 fl oz) 

Steps to Clean Sugar Wash Jars 

  • Once your wax jar is empty, run under hot water to rinse it out. 
  • For a deeper clean, place in a dish cycle - Sugar Wax jars are dishwasher safe. 
  • Once cleaned, your jars are ready to use!  

Please note: this tutorial does not apply to Parissa Hot or Warm Wax jars. Our other wax jars can also be reused with proper sanitation methods. However, non-sugar wax must be removed with oil first!  

Ways to Repurpose Sugar Wax Jars 

There are endless fun and useful ways to repurpose your wax jars. Home organization is a key inspiration here! Think neat and functional storage:  

Store household items 

  • Nuts & bolts 
  • Loose nails 
  • Batteries 

Say goodbye to everyday clutter. Repurpose your jars by labelling them and neatly organizing small, miscellaneous items. Group similar items and categorize each according to their purpose. 

Display snacks 

  • Goldfish 
  • Crackers 
  • Chocolate chips 

Who doesn’t love a cool, curated pantry, drawer, or office snack stash. Once your Sugar Wax jars are rinsed, they are perfect for storing snacks. Sweet, salty, or savoury, organize by flavour or type and enjoy!  

Organize stationary 

  • Paper clips 
  • Staples 
  • Office supplies  

A well-organized office or workspace creates a sense of order and boosts productivity. Repurpose your old Sugar Wax jars and everyday essentials will always be within reach.  

Travel Tupperware 

  • Lunches 
  • Picnics 

Expand your Tupperware collection with freshly washed wax jars. Two different sizes and a secure lid means you’ll always have a versatile container for taking and endless variety of snacks on the go.  

Kid-friendly jars 

  • Lego pieces 
  • Bath toy 
  • Paint on jars 

One amazing idea is to paint your old Sugar Wax jar with a paint specifically formulated for plastic. Choose a color scheme to coordinate with your space and add some fresh stems for an environmentally inspired twist on a classic flower vase.   

There are so many fun and inventive ways to upcycle the containers that house our favorite Sugar Wax. Parissa products are reusable, our packing is recyclable, and we care for the planet. We hope you keep these tips in mind and do your part to care for our environment!  

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