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Does Waxing Hurt?

Does Waxing Hurt?

Just a quick reminder about why we love waxing. The main benefits of hair removal by waxing are:
  • Hair removal is long lasting, smoothness lasts weeks longer than shaving.
  • Hair gets finer (not coarser) over time. When hair is removed from the root, the hair grows back finer and sparser.
  • It’s cost effective and can be done on your time, from the comfort of your home.

Now to the real question at hand..

Does it Hurt?

The short answer is yes. Jessica Krant, M.D., Assistant Clinical Professor of Dermatology at SUNY Downstate Medical Center in New York and founder of Art of Dermatology explains : "The discomfort of waxing is for only one reason: The hairs have roots and are attached to our body. Lifting the hairs out via waxing means taking them out by the root." There is no way to bypass this process when removing unwanted hair by waxing. And, you don’t want to. Lifting hairs out by the root means they can take many weeks to grow back. When they do grow back, the hairs are softer and sparser. The discomfort is less each time you wax. With shaving, which only slices the hair from the surface, the hairs are growing back coarser with a sharp edge. If you prefer weeks rather than hours of smoothness, there are ways to minimize any unease by being prepared and following our tips and tricks.

Will I be able to Handle it?

It’s very likely you can handle a second of discomfort for long-lasting smooth skin. It is common for first-timers to experience more tenderness as previously shaved follicles are stronger. However, waxing gets easier over time as the hair becomes weaker, finer and sparser. Seasoned waxers describe a feeling akin to simply “zipping off a bandaid”. 

Is it Worth it?

Everyone is different! Factors such as your skin type, hair type and area of waxing are all important things to consider when determining your hair removal method.

If you are in a rush to remove hair right before a big event, shaving might be the better option. There is room for error with waxing so don't take any chances the day before your wedding or vacation. 

For some it is worth it because of many reasons; waxing is more eco-friendly that plastic disposable razors and all Parissa products are 100% natural with zero chemicals, colours or fragrances.

Tips & Tricks

Here are some tips to help minimize discomfort during your waxing experience.

  • Take baby steps. Get comfortable perfecting your technique by waxing your arms or legs. Do this before trying a more sensitive or challenging area like your bikini or underarm.
  • Avoid waxing the week before your period. Our skin tends to be more sensitive during PMS.
  • We’ve heard Ibuprofen can help ease the ouch when taken 20-30 minutes before waxing.
  • Do not wax immediately following a hot bath or strenuous exercise, your skin will be sensitive and you’ll likely be sweating.
  • Listen to music or play a Netflix series while waxing. We think The Office playing in the background could be a perfect distraction.
  • The 2 Week Rule. Resist the urge to wax for 2 weeks after your initial session. We recommend hair length to be at least a quarter of an inch, as this will give the wax something to grab ahold of.
Woman waxing upper lip using Parissa Face and Body Sugar Wax

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